Rose Ngo Ndjel

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Rose Ngo Ndjel is passionate about community mobilization and action. Originally from Cameroon, Quebec since 2000, she is the Africa Coordinator for Women, the Centre des Femmes de Parc-Extension. Her strong commitment is to support and encourage women to take charge of their destiny through sustained efforts that can strengthen their well-being and empowerment on a daily basis. She is involved in several working committees defending women’s causes, and sits on the boards of directors of La Maison de la Coopération du Montréal Métropolitain, Micro-Recycle Corporation, Alliance des Communautés Culturelles pour l’Égalité dans la Santé et les Services Sociaux and La Table de Quartier de Parc-Extension. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Management from HEC Montréal.