Jen Gobby is a activist-scholar who works closely with communities and social movements to do action-research that aims for transformative change towards social and environmental justice. Her current collaborations include 1) working with Indigenous Climate Action on decolonizing and Indigenizing climate policy in Canada and 2) working with community organizations and grassroots groups across Montreal, including several in Parc Ex, who having been responding to the Covid-19 crisis in ways that are working to transform systems. She is the author of the recent book More Powerful Together: Conversations with Climate Activists and Indigenous Land Defenders, organizes with Climate Justice Montreal, is a member of the steering commitee for Concordia’s SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation, and is the founder of the MudGirls Natural Building Collective. She completed her PhD at McGill as part of the Economics for the Anthropocene partnership and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Concordia’s Department of Geography, Planning and Environment.